A lightweight and responsive setup of Material Design components writed in stylus. Is not always interesting to use in your project a whole framework like Materialize or Material Design Lite. This project aims to provide independent components, which would not change the way you drive your project.
To use you must install two packages potamus-stylus, that will provide you the stylus mixins, and potamus-js that will provide you the javascript for the components.
$ npm i -D potamus-js potamus-stylus
Until now, there are the following components:
<button class="some-awesome-button-class-name">Button</button>
background: #E91E63, // background-color of the button
color: #fff, // text-color of the button
ripple-name: effect, // class name for the ripple effect
js: true // if true classes needed for js interactions are added
width: 300px // width of the button, can be omitted
potamus.button('some-awesome-button-class-name', 'name-for-ripple-effect-class');
<input class="some-awesome-checkbox-class-name" type="checkbox">
border-color: #ccc, // border color when the checkbox is unchecked
color: #E91E63, // color when the checkbox is checked
size: 40px // size of the checkbox
<input class="some-awesome-radio-name" type="radio" id="first" name="radio">
<input class="some-awesome-radio-name" type="radio" id="second" name="radio">
animation-name: radio-fade, // name of the animation of the radio
border-color: #9E9E9E, // border color when the radio is unchecked
color: #F44336, // color when the radio is checked
size: 30px // size of the checkbox
This component doesn't need javascript.
<div class="some-awesome-text-field-name">
<input class="some-awesome-text-field-name_sufix-input" type="text">
<label class="some-awesome-text-field-name__sufix-label">Nome</label>
active-color: #2196F3, // color when the input is focused
default-color: #9E9E9E, // color when the input is closed
input-name: _sufix-input, // sufix for input class name
js: true, // if true classes needed for js
// // interactions are added
label-name: __sufix-label, // sufix for label class name
primary-text-color: rgba(0,0,0,.87), // color of text on input an label
secondary-text-color: rgba(0,0,0,.54), // color of text when label is closed
valid-color: #4CAF50 // color when the input is valid
potamus.textField('some-awesome-text-field-name', '__sufix-label', '_sufix-input');